Translation and Interpreting Services

We provide both Translation and Interpreting Services.

Translation | 翻译

We offer Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) to English, and English to Chinese (Simplified) translation services.

Who will benefit from this?

  • Organisations that need documents, articles, presentations, marketing materials, videos accessible to a broader community.

  • University and College students who require assistance in creating clarity in their work.



  • 商业机构或社区:需要翻译普通文件、文章、演讲/演讲稿、宣传资料(宣传单,网站等)

  • 个人:大学、预科学生需要翻译作文、论文/研究论文、演讲稿、小组讨论稿、作业要求等

Interpreting | 口译

We offer Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) to English and English to Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) interpreting services. Interpreting types include consecutive interpreting, chuchotage/whispered interpreting and negotiation interpreting.

Who will benefit from this?

  • Organisations that will be presenting meetings and conferences to Chinese-speaking clients.

  • Chinese organisations that are visiting Australia for business purposes.



  • 各种机构:需要与中国的客户举行会议、做演讲展示等

  • 中国机构:需要在澳洲进行商业访问、商业会议等


Fees for services | 费用

Contact us for a quote today.

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